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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1672
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7429
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 5،
issue Number 99
The perfect human being in the mysticism of Abolhasan Kharqani and Abu Saeed Abolkhair and a comparative study of their practical behavior
Abolfazl Sayyadi , Hossein Hasanpour Alashti (Author in Charge), Masoud Rouhani , Farzad Baloo
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Islamic mysticism is divided into two major schools: "Practical and Sukari mysticism of Khorasan" and "Theoretical and Sahawi mysticism of Baghdad". Islamic mystics are often included in these two mystical schools. In this article, we tried to take into account two mystics named and contemporaries of "Khorasan school of mysticism", namely: "Abul Hasan Kharqani" and "Abu Saeed Abul Khair"; Let"s infer the differences in their behavior with comparative studies.
METHODOLOGY: Considering that "Irfan Khorasan" school is pragmatic, for any research in its field, it is necessary to pay attention to the actions and behavior of its elders and their monastic teachings. These two Khorasani mystics, mostly by inferring from their actions, attitudes, behavior, conversations and teachings and relying on the book "Ahwal and Sayings of Sheikh Abul Hasan Kharqani" by Mojtaba Minavi, with the appendix of Khargani"s book "Selected Nur al-Uloom" and "Secrets of Tawheed" by Mohammad bin Manoor and the book "Takhreh al-Awliya" by Attar, as well as related compilations and researches, were carried out in a descriptive-analytical way.
FINDINGS: The "Irfan Khorasan" school has two different professions. Kharqani"s mystical profession is Qabbi, sorrowful, self-centered, introverted, seeking isolation and affirming other religions. And the mystical profession of Abu Saeed; He is happy-go-lucky, extrovert, sociable, a person who listens and travels and rejects other religions. The "perfect human" also has different characteristics in the practical life of these two mystics, which we discuss in the research.
CONCLUSION: The issue of "perfect human being" is one of the most important and controversial mystical issues, along with the issue of the unity of existence. The perfect man in "Irfan Khorasan" has examples that due to the pragmatism of this school, it becomes possible to examine its main characteristics and attributes in the practical life of the mystics of this school. These mystics, while being in a single mystical school, have differences in behavior, which is very important to pay attention to in understanding the ultimate concept of a perfect human being.
Khorasan's Mysticism
, perfect human
, Abolhassan Kharghani
, Abu Saeed Abolkhair.
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